Lots of wool...

This week I received a massive box of lush undyed British wool, which means I can get started with making all of your rewards. The first stage is to prepare the yarn for dyeing by winding it into hanks, scouring (washing) and then mordanting. It's a process that can take a few days in total - this is super slow fashion!


The Ombre scarves are knitted as a whole piece before being dip dyed so I've also been working away on these. Unfortunately, I can't work quite as fast as I appear to in this timelapse...

If you’ve enjoyed reading this blog and found it helpful, why not buy me a virtual coffee on Ko-Fi? There’s no obligation, but your support will help me continue to write these blogs and help my journey to become a self sufficient natural dye grower and knitwear designer. Ria :) 


A Busman's Holiday at the National Wool Museum


Thank you!