

A selection of past research and freelance projects in knitwear and natural dyes.

South West Colour Library

A research project funded by South West England Fibreshed. Its aim was to create a bioregional library of natural dye plants and colour samples from across the region, with a focus on wild rather than cultivated plants.

The South West Colour Library is an open source document designed to be a resource for education and inspiration for anyone interested in dyeing with plants that are available in their local area.


Bristol Weaving Mill x Garry Fabian Miller

Ongoing project in collaboration with artist Garry Fabian Miller on his five year ‘Three Acres of Colour’ project.

My role is to provide natural dye samples, colour tests and consulting regarding extracting of natural, local colour from plants.

Pictured left: initial dye samples from stage one of the project for Bristol Weaving Mill to make weave samples with.


BFTT/UAL x Grady & Robinson + Mulberry

Project working with a research and development team at BFTT in the University of the Arts London, in collaboration with Grady & Robinson (now British Pasture Leather). The commission was to sample natural dyes on regenerative, traceable leather using plants grown in my garden in a low impact way.

Image: Finished leather samples dyed with weld, onion skins, madder and iron.


Aardman Animations

I was approached by Aardman Animations to produce a hand knitted ‘skin’ for a model computer game character using local wool. I worked closely with the chief model maker to create the bespoke piece to a tight deadline.

Image: work in progress - Sackboy’s head.


Fernhill Farm

An ongoing ad-hoc freelance relationship with local regenerative farm Fernhill Farm. I am contracted to dye their farm-grown knitwear to commission using natural dyes foraged from the farm.

I also produce knitted textiles using their yarn sold to them on a wholesale basis, and provide natural dyeing workshops.


Wool Decanted

I was approached by British wool yarn company Wool Decanted to develop a range of of machine knitted textiles using their yarn. This involved design and production work.

Later I was also consulted on producing samples for a naturally dyed yarn collection.