The beginnings of a natural dye garden...

Due to family circumstances, mine and my horticulturalist Mum's plan to grow dye plants has been a bit delayed. However, some space has been cleared in my Mum's garden near Farnham, where we will plant woad, madder, weld etc. At the end of May we will work on building a workable area in which to plant.

My garden is considerably smaller, but I have planted seeds of flowers that have good dye properties - coreopsis, cosmos and hopi sunflower (which is a source of black dye!).

It's a slow process - with plants like madder it may be a few years before we can harvest anything - but I can't wait to use homegrown plants in my dye practice.

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Lightfast Tests - testing natural dyes longevity


Making an Organic Indigo Vat